The Future of Career Counseling: How Kareely Leverages Technology for Students

Smart Student Portal For Kareely


The collaboration between Intelligenes and Kareely represents a strategic initiative to improve the student advisory experience in career counseling through technological advancements. Rooted in a mutual dedication to harness advanced solutions, the collaboration sought to refine the student-advisor interaction within the Kareely portal.

The Challenge

Kareely recognized the pressing need for an effective platform to facilitate student-advisor engagement for career counseling. The primary challenge involved crafting a portal that simplifies the meeting scheduling process and integrates advanced features, including insights into student engagements and the implementation of a job recommendation system. The latter presented a specific technical challenge requiring robust algorithmic analysis.


In response, Intelligenes delivered a technically proficient student advisory portal. The portal features a user-friendly interface for scheduling career counseling sessions, utilizing clear and straightforward calendars. Backend integration involves complex data analytics to update the advisors with insights into student activities, enabling a more personalized advisory approach. Developing the job recommendation system necessitated crafting an algorithm analyzing student profiles for personalized career suggestions.


The collaboration culminated in a successful outcome for the Kareely portal in career counseling. The refined meeting scheduling process and transparent calendars reflect the technical precision applied to improve the user experience. Backend analytics empower advisors with data-driven insights into student engagements, enhancing the quality and relevance of career counseling interactions. The implementation of the job recommendation system showcases technical expertise in algorithmic development, providing students with career suggestions aligned with their aspirations.

Kareely, powered by Intelligenes, isn’t just a meeting place; it’s a guide for students, showing them the way forward. We’re proud to team up with Kareely, creating a space where students and advisors connect effortlessly, making education a smoother journey for everyone.

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